Frequently asked questions
Check out the questions frequently asked by parents and students.
Walk-in medical appointments are available Monday through Friday between the hours of 9:00am and 11:00am. Afternoon medical office visits are available Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm. Appointments are not scheduled on Wednesday after 12:00pm.
Health Services remains open for administrative purposes Monday through Friday 8:30am through 4:30pm.
Contact Health Services by email: or by phone, 603-899-4130.
An unexpected urgent situation for a student takes precedence over scheduled medical appointments and daily office routine in Health Services.
Health Services serves ALL students who are current matriculated students.
The office visit at Health Services is free of charge. The annual influenza vaccination is free of charge to students as well. However, there are several fee-based based services; including but not limited to off-site lab tests , physical, PPD/Tuberculosis, Meningococcal/MenACWY, and Tdap/Tetanus.
Students can pay for fee-based services with cash or upon request, Health Services will apply the charge to the student’s university account. Health Services does not process debit or credit cards.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and New Hampshire Health and Human Services recommend all new incoming college students receive the Meningococcal Quadrivalent conjugate (MenACWY) If the initial dose was given under sixteen yrs. of age, a conjugate booster dose is required (ages 16 > 21). This vaccine can be provided by your medical provider or for a fee, by a health provider in Health Services.
Yes, insurance coverage is required in the event of an unexpected incident that calls for emergency transport from FPU campus and/or Health Services to a hospital, emergency department, or urgent Private health insurance is required at hospitals, urgent care, and emergency departments.
No, FPU does not provide health insurance. Health Services does not process charges to private health insurance companies. Upon request, Health Services will furnish a receipt to students for fee-based services provided.
We recommend contacting Cheshire Medical Center, 580 Court Street, Keene, 603-354-5484, Monadnock Community Hospital, 452 Old Street, Peterborough, 603-924-7191, or the walk-in clinic, Convenient MD, 351 Winchester St., Keene, 603-352-3406. All three medical facilities are approximately 19 miles from FPU
When an urgent situation occurs on campus, students should call Campus Safety, 603-899-5555 or contact Crisis Lifeline 24/7, by text 988.
Yes. It is important to report to Health Services any changes in your health or newly prescribed medications you may need throughout your tenure at the university.
Yes, you may keep your medicine in your room in a locked box as long as it is prescribed to you and has the original label on the bottle. Your prescriptions can also be safely stored at Health Services. Health Services is closed after 4:30 pm during the week. Health Services is closed on weekends, designated holidays, and when campus is inaccessible due to inclement weather.
Please be sure to include all current medications you are taking on your health form. Most prescriptions can be sent to where is most convenient for the student within the United States of America. The closest to campus are (distance: 3.1 miles). Hannaford Pharmacy, 752 Route 202, Rindge (603-899- 2110) and Walmart Pharmacy, 750 Route 202, Rindge (603-899-6965). These pharmacies are located in close proximity to each other. The FPU campus shuttle service (when available) provides transportation to both pharmacies.
Yes, students can request and borrow specific medical items from Health Services at no cost.
Health Services abides by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), Public Law 104-191 FPU Health Services maintains confidentiality for all students health care related information in accordance with professional ethics and legal guidelines.
If Health Services does not receive the required health forms by the scheduled deadline, a “Health Hold” will be placed on the student’s account preventing class registration for the upcoming semester. The “Health Hold” will remain in place until Health Services receives all of the student’s required health forms.
In accordance to NH state Educational Health Center licensing rules RSA 151 and He-P 816 and University based health requirements.
All FPU health forms should be submitted by move in day.
CONTACT Health Services
Health Services
(603) 899-4130
Mon - Fri, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
(603) 899-5555
(On-Campus) Ext. 5555